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At The Fernau Group, our objective is clear cut…to develop and implement creative public relations and marketing programs that get to the heart of what differentiates our clients and their products and services from the competition. We work closely with our clients to establish a thorough understanding of their business goals and to identify their most critical public relations and marketing needs and opportunities.


You need a partner that can help you make sense of the myriad of marketing options. A partner with sound marketing knowledge to help you identify your audience and communicate your message in a meaningful manner to impact your business. You need The Fernau Group.

As in all successful relationships, commitment and mutual respect are not taken for granted. Our ideal client has made a strong commitment to marketing and public relations, and acknowledges our role in being their communication partner. We believe the best solutions grow out of mutual respect for the unique talents that both parties contribute.


As your partner, our first action is to listen and understand your goals – your product – your customer. We then build and execute unique public relations and marketing strategies based on realistic objectives, not futile promises.


Hang out your shingle and they will come – a business field of dreams. But in truth, success takes careful planning and execution. We work with you to develop a marketing and public relations plan that considers your business, your client, your message, your budget and your goals. Skillful execution, constant evaluation of results and necessary adjustments to the plan keep you on track to your goals.


Creativity, energy, attention to detail, timeliness and budget are also critical to the mix, but it is creativity that sets you apart. At The Fernau Group we hand pick top professionals to successfully develop, create and execute each project. Each of our clients is unique, as is each project we create.

Dreaming, brainstorming, building…the skyward ideas that bring bottom line profits.


Superior public relations and marketing can only be as effective as the professionals who stand behind the program. At the Fernau Group we are personally and professionally committed to our clients and their success. We assemble a knowledgeable, creative and skillful team, hand picked for each client. In this way we can give you exactly what you need in a budget-conscious manner. Led by a marketing professional with more than 15 years of success for her clients, The Fernau Group knows and expects the best.

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