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Interactive Marketing - Turning cyber business into real profits

It demands more than a pleasing design to succeed in the e-world, it demands marketing expertise and Internet savvy. The Fernau Group understands your marketing needs as well as the ever-changing world of the Internet. We successfully bring these together, supplying you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed on the Internet, to maximize profits and to build customer loyalty.

houstonianweb.jpg (8486 bytes)On line communication efforts are not stand alone – even for e-companies. Meet business objectives and maximize profits by integrating your on line efforts with the rest of your communications. When you integrate on line efforts with all your communication tactics and strategies, you maximize communication with the synthesis of traditional and on line tools, creating a solid program that brings profit to the bottom line.

Interactive Marketing Services

  • Site content and navigation consultation
  • Integrated marketing plans and consultation
  • Web site design
  • Web content development
  • Search engine registration
  • Link development
  • Online promotions and contests
  • Web site maintenance
  • Internet, Intranet & Extranet technology

©2001, The Fernau Group. All Rights Reserved.

Website Designed by WorldGraphics Design Group