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Marketing – It all has to work together

At The Fernau Group we believe the goal of any communication should be to positively influence sales of your product or service, either directly or indirectly. Is it TV, radio, direct mail, email marketing, or a news release? Vast numbers of options exist; and in our technological world the number is growing everyday.

The key to successful marketing is not one of these things; it is not all of them. It is finding the right mix for your customer, it is strategic planning and execution, and it is ensuring consistent messages throughout your communications to achieve long-term sales and marketing goals.

Marketing Services

  • Market research and competitive analysis
  • Collateral development: brochures, sales literature, promotional pieces, catalogs, invitations
  • Advertising development: web sites, billboards, newspaper, radio, TV, direct mail
  • Corporate image advertising and placement
  • Newsletters

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